Founded in 1984, InterAction is the largest alliance of international NGOs and partners in the United States. InterAction mobilizes members to think and act collectively to serve the world’s poor and vulnerable, with a shared belief that we can make the world a more peaceful, just and prosperous place—together.

Breanna Gomillion
Leland Fellow
11th Class, 2021-2023

Bryan Pride
Leland Fellow
10th Class, 2019-2021

Danielle Richard
Zero Hunger Intern
7th Class, 2024

Hinal Patel
Zero Hunger Intern
3rd Class, 2020

Nash Masinde
Zero Hunger Intern
5th Class, 2022

Olivier Bradley
Zero Hunger Intern
6th Class, 2023

Perry Payne, Jr.
Emerson Fellow
3rd Class, 1996-1997

Theresa Fang
Leland Fellow
12th Class, 2023-2025