I wrote this piece on a women’s agricultural cooperative for a storybook that was distributed at a HungerFREE campaign event in Kigali in October 2011 that also launched ActionAid’s HungerFREE Scorecard. The purpose of the storybook was to highlight stories … Read more
Article on the Food Security Effects of Flooding in Cambodia
In late 2011, Cambodia was hit with the worst flooding it had experienced in over a decade. Over 1.2 million Cambodians were affected by the floods. The flooding destroyed the rice harvest, which many Cambodians rely on for their livelihood … Read more
Summary Article on Enhanced Homestead Food Production for Better Nutrition in Cambodia
Following a site visit for the Enhanced Homestead Food Production (EHFP) program early on in my field year, I wrote this article as a communications piece to present stories and data from the field to a wider audience. The article … Read more
Local School Wellness Plans: A Key to Improving Child Health
School wellness policies are a vital tool that parents, students, teachers, school food service staff, school administrators, and local communities can use to address children’s nutrition and health needs. This paper is one in a series of occasional white papers … Read more
Annual Report 2011
The Congressional Hunger Center publishes an annual report as a summary of CHC’s yearly activities and to report our fiscal year revenue and expenditures.
The Role that the US Department of Agriculture Regulatory Process Plays in Reducing Childhood Hunger and Improving Nutrition
This paper is part of a series of occasional white papers produced by the Congressional Hunger Center that offer a concise “primer” on key aspects of policymaking and implementation on childhood hunger and nutrition issues. The series is intended to … Read more
How to Engage Local and State Elected Officials in Support of Child Hunger Initiatives
This paper is part of a series of occasional white papers produced by the Congressional Hunger Center that offer a concise “primer” on key aspects of policymaking and implementation on childhood hunger and nutrition issues. The series is intended to … Read more
How is the Federal Government Organized with Respect to Influencing Child Hunger?
This paper is part of a series of occasional white papers produced by the Congressional Hunger Center that offer a concise “primer” on key aspects of policymaking and implementation on childhood hunger and nutrition issues. The series is intended to … Read more
How Can Public-Private Partnerships Impact Public Policy?
This paper is part of a series of occasional white papers produced by the Congressional Hunger Center that offer a concise “primer” on key aspects of policymaking and implementation on childhood hunger and nutrition issues. The series is intended to … Read more
Sustenance December 2011
Sustenance, the CHC newsletter, features articles that highlight the work of Emerson and Leland Hunger Fellows’ experiences in the field and during the policy portion of their fellowships. In addition, Sustenance covers CHC staff and partner organizations advocacy efforts and special projects.
Zero Hunger? Evaluating Brazilian Food Security Policy
Brazil’s Fome Zero (Zero Hunger) policy framework was launched in 2003 with the advent of President Luiz Ignácio Lula da Silva’s administration. It was created with the purpose of improving food security by integrating programs that promote agriculture, nutrition, health … Read more
The Implications of Aflatoxin Contamination for Local Food Safety in Senegal
Senegal is one of the lead producers of groundnuts, also known as peanuts, in the world. Their production contributes significantly to food security, poverty reduction, livestock feeding, and national trade development. But groundnuts in Senegal are also highly susceptible to … Read more