Mayuri spent a year working with the Tufts University College of Citizenship and Public Service developing new student programs after graduating from Tufts with a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations. Mayuri’s academic concentration was in International Trade and Development and she was active in several social justice initiatives.
Field placement: Solid Ground
Seattle, Washington
Mayuri worked with Fremont Public Association’s Food Resources and provided support for Seattle area food banks by planning a nutrition fair and providing training and other educational opportunities. Mayuri worked with another Hunger Fellow to create Hunger: A Picture of Washington, a statewide educational tool kit with a power point/ Internet presentation and a presenter’s guide.
Policy placement: Prosperity Now
Washington, D.C.
Mayuri worked with the asset team on a range of policy initiatives related to building assets. Her projects included creating educational materials related to Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) and designing and advancing demonstration projects and public policies for the working-poor and low-income children.