Host Organization: Adonai Partners
First Year Placement
Anthony was based in the northern region of Uganda with Adonai Partners, a church-based development and mission organization, where he served as the Project Manager for Partnerships, Agriculture, and Livelihoods (PAL). He designed and implemented a community-based participatory research model to assess the food insecurity, malnutrition, agrobiodiversity, and livelihoods of the Arut community. The results of this study will be used to understand the unique challenges facing post-conflict communities and provide Adonai Partners with information to guide their future agriculture and health programs. Anthony also supported and participated in the Adonai Medical Outreach program this summer.
Second Year Placement
Based in Washington, D.C., Anthony served as the Program and Partnerships Development Manager for Adonai Partners. As such, he continued to support the Uganda country team in designing and implementing a comprehensive nutrition-sensitive agriculture and health program – a program that was largely developed using the results of the needs assessment conducted during his field placement. In addition, he played an active role in strengthening the management of organizational systems; the development of an organizational-wide theory of change; and supporting Adonai Partners’ external outreach.