Born in Los Angeles to parents who emigrated from El Salvador, Ada calls Torrance, California home. She graduated with a B.A. in global information and social enterprise studies from the University of California, Santa Cruz. She interned at the National Organization for Women, where she helped plan the 2013 National Conference. As a student leader of College Ten, Ada co-facilitated a service learning class that engages students in social justice issues through local community work and reflection. She also completed an honors project practicum that provided technology consulting, event outreach, and management for the Everett Program.
Field placement: Causa Justa :: Just Cause
Oakland, California
Ada worked as a community organizer with the Immigrant Rights Campaign to build a strong immigrant leader base and support members’ leadership development. She also assessed housing conditions in Oakland’s Fruitvale district by developing a survey and canvassing neighborhoods. She managed the Tenant’s Rights Clinic in San Francisco addressing tenant issues, providing referrals and coordinating appointments for residents. She also facilitated Know Your Rights Trainings on immigrant and tenant issues, including AB60, DACA, and DAPA.
Policy placement: Migrant Legal Action Program
Washington, D.C.
Ada provided policy research and analysis for migrant education programs on issues of child nutrition and education. She conducted a focus group of Migrant and Seasonal Head Start parents to gain insight about their expectations and opinions about school meals. Ada also designed surveys for Migrant Seasonal Head Start nutrition managers about meal procurement and migrant education teacher’s meal quality perceptions.
Hunger Free Community Report
Organizado la Fruitvale: Derechos de Inquilinos y Inmigrantes en una Comunidad Latina Organizing in the Fruitvale: Tenant and Immigrant Rights in a Predominantly Latino Community is an interactive mapping report documenting the struggles of immigrant Latino tenants in Oakland to end poverty, oppression, racism, sexism and gentrification. The report includes Fruitvale demographic information, maps and infographics and serves as a CJJC member recruitment tool in Fruitvale.