For more than forty five years, the Migrant Legal Action Program (MLAP) has provided legal representation and a national voice for migrant and seasonal farmworkers, the poorest group of working people in the United States. MLAP works to enforce rights and to improve public policies affecting farmworkers' working and housing conditions, education, health, nutrition, and general welfare. The program works with an extensive network of local service providers. MLAP staff is actively involved in a variety of advocacy, including legislative and administrative representation. MLAP also provides extensive support to local migrant service providers through training, technical assistance, and other services.

Ada Recinos
Emerson Fellow
21st Class, 2014-2015

Benjamin Bowman
Emerson Fellow
15th Class, 2008-2009

Jimmy Purvis
Emerson Fellow
13th Class, 2006-2007

Joseph Lee
Emerson Fellow
12th Class, 2005-2006

Kate Callahan
Emerson Fellow
18th Class, 2011-2012

Katherine Moos
Emerson Fellow
14th Class, 2007-2008

Tim Shadix
Emerson Fellow
16th Class, 2009-2010