Become a Leland Fellow

Now Accepting Applications

The Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellowship is a two-year opportunity to promote global food and nutrition security through learning and hands-on work. If you're ready to work to eradicate hunger and poverty, develop your skills as a leader, and become an effective agent of change, read on.

Fellows in Action

On October 10, our current Leland Fellows presented insights and analysis based on their first-year placements. Hear fellows share their experiences and recommendations for improving global food security.

Watch Here


Each class forms a community of practice, where fellows share knowledge and experiences with a supportive network of peers. Fellows help each other question, troubleshoot, learn, and develop a deeper understanding of the sector and their place in the sector. The cohort is a place to ask difficult questions and work through the challenges of the answers.

Fellows convene in-person at several points during the fellowship, including orientation, retreats, trainings, and conferences, to expand their subject-matter knowledge and learn from each other's experiences.

Fellows also receive advising and coaching from Hunger Center staff to help navigate challenges, and may draw on professional development funds to aid their individual growth in areas outside their placement work plans. Fellows have used these funds to take skills courses and workshops, attend professional conferences, study relevant languages, and more.

The Cohort Effect

Hear Leland Fellows Faye, Kelly, and Anthony explain the benefit of learning together and sharing experiences as a cohort.

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A Powerful Network

Since its launch in 2001, nearly 150 fellows have supported the work of 80 partner organizations in 48 nations around the world.

After graduation, fellows join a supportive and active alum community, a powerful professional network of leaders working at NGOs, governmental agencies, intergovernmental bodies, and private sector entities. Wherever they go after the fellowship, alums know how to be effective agents for change: to analyze situations, identify the centers of power, and determine the levers that can be used to influence outcomes.


Leland Fellows' placements, 2001-2024. Gold indicates at least one Leland Fellow placement.

Ally Vertti headshot
The Leland fellowship was life changing. The Hunger Center prioritizes professional development and personal growth and supports fellows during their practical experiences with host organizations with training, learning and reflection. As a fellow, I was given the opportunity to join a brilliant team working towards changing and saving lives. I will share the knowledge and skills I was able to develop during the fellowship and continue working towards a more food and nutritionally secure world. Ally Vertti, 10th Class Leland Fellow (2019-2021)

Learn More

On Wednesday, October 9, we held an informational webinar for prospective applicants. Watch the recording to learn more about the structure and benefits of the fellowship, the application and onboarding process, and more.

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Join Us

Ready to join our network of leaders in the movement to end hunger around the world?

Applications for the 2025-2027 class are now closed. Applications for the 2027-2029 class will open in late 2026.

Make sure to join our mailing list to keep up-to-date with the Leland Fellowship, including application deadlines and updates.

Hunger Fellow Alaine Johnson