Caines headshot

Emerson Fellow

Roxanne Caines

10th Class, 2003-2004

Roxanne is originally from Atlanta, Georgia and she received her Bachelor’s degree from Howard University with a speech communications major and psychology minor.  Roxanne’s interest in education led her to teach English in Japan for two years with the JET Programme.  She has also worked with several youth-centered organizations in Washington, D.C. including Martha’s Table, Brainfood, and the CEED Youth Leadership Program.

Field placement: Just Harvest

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Roxanne coordinated efforts to promote and strengthen the WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP).  This program addresses both hunger and community food security by expanding WIC program benefits to include fresh, locally grown produce at farmers' markets during the marketing season.  Roxanne assessed the actual reach and impact of FMNP inPittsburgh, identified barriers to participation in the program, and developed recommendations for overcoming those barriers.

Policy placement: RESULTS

Washington, D.C.

Roxanne conducted outreach to establish new RESULTS chapters in the U.S., especially in low-income communities.  As a regional coordinator, Roxanne also provided support to current RESULTS volunteers.
