Host Organization: International Food Policy Research Institute
First Year Placement
Yangon, Myanmar
Based in Yangon, Myanmar, Michael worked with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) to support the development and implementation of a nationally representative integrated household survey on agricultural production, livelihoods, gender, and nutrition. Michael supported this project, titled the Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity (MAPSA), with the aim of collecting reliable data and facilitating Myanmar’s agricultural policy and program development to address historical inequities in livelihoods and health outcomes between ethnic communities.
Second Year Placement
Yangon, Myanmar
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Michael continues to be based in Yangon, where he is assisting IFPRI’s research on the pandemic’s impact on rural livelihoods, poverty, and nutrition. He is also providing support to research dissemination efforts and building IFPRI’s in-country communications strategy to help shape Myanmar’s response to COVID-19 by informing NGO programs and government policies. These efforts involve writing research briefs and blog posts, hosting policy seminars and media interviews, and presenting findings at donor meetings and workshops.