DeJarnette headshot

Zero Hunger Intern

London DeJarnette

5th Class, 2022

London DeJarnette is from Oberlin, Ohio, and attends Allegheny College where they study Environmental Science and Sustainability and Community and Justice Studies. At Allegheny, London serves as a Bonner Scholar where they engage with food justice work at the Meadville Markethouse. At the Markethouse, London works with SNAP and WIC recipients to secure access to fresh foods. Additionally, London works at the Allegheny Carrden, where they use regenerative farming methods to grow fresh food for the broader community. At Allegheny, London holds leadership positions on the Bonner Advisory Board and QPOC Leadership Board. London is interested in advocating for localized agriculture and mutual aid initiatives as a means of supplementing communal nutrition needs. This summer, they hope to develop a stronger understanding of urban food apartheids and the systemic structures that contribute to them. London looks forward to applying their internship experiences to future anti-hunger endeavors.

Policy placement: Congressional Hunger Center

Washington, D.C.
