Morgan-Brown headshot

Emerson Fellow

Amaliya Morgan-Brown

10th Class, 2003-2004

Amaliya graduated from Lewis and Clark College in Oregon with a degree in International Affairs and a senior thesis titled The Agreement on Agriculture: Food Security in Developing Countries.  As a 2002-2003 AmeriCorps* VISTA volunteer working with Just Food of New York City she helped organize a Community Supported Agriculture program creating linkages between rural and urban areas and increasing access to affordable, fresh vegetables in low-income urban communities.  Amaliya also served on the Planning Committee of the Brooklyn Agriculture Entrepreneurship Group.

Field placement: End Hunger Connecticut!

Hartford, Connecticut

Amaliya developed and administered a survey to document teachers’ perceptions of the School Breakfast Program and completed a toolkit on the School Breakfast Program in Connecticut used by EHC! to promote school breakfast.  The finished product includes the findings of the survey, fact sheets, talking points, mock school breakfast budgets, and a resource list.  It also identifies cost, management, and operational barriers to increased participation by schools in the School Breakfast Programs, possible solutions to those barriers, outreach strategies for schools that do not currently offer school breakfast, and ideas for increasing participation in schools already administering the program.

Policy placement: RESULTS

Washington, D.C.

Amaliya provided technical assistance and support to RESULTS volunteers working to promote and expand access to Individual Development Accounts and encourage asset building among low-income children and families.  She also worked with RESULTS partners to highlight asset building initiatives in the media.
