Burwell headshot

Emerson Fellow

Adin Burwell

30th Class, 2023-2024

[email protected]

Adin Burwell is from Atlanta, Georgia, and recently graduated from Cornell University with a B.S. in Agricultural Science, with minors in Global Health and Crop Management. Adin's involvement in agriculture and food justice began in High School through involvement in her community, and a program with the USDA. After years of growing and donating food to both her local and college community, Adin became interested in policy. She interned at the United States House of Representatives, and is excited to further understand and grow her knowledge about the policies around food and nutrition.

Field placement: Chicago Food Policy Action Council

Chicago, Illinois

Adin is supporting the Productive Landscapes project, as well as facilitating connections between professors, local leaders, and members of the Rhizome network. With a focus on network building and transparency, her work simplifies the process and options for community members to access vacant land, primarily on the south and west side of Chicago for agricultural purposes.

Policy placement: Feeding America

Washington, D.C.

Adin Burwell is working on Feeding America’s Policy Team. With a specialization in Child Nutrition, she is supporting the rollout of a brand new federal nutrition program, Summer EBT, and the expansion of rural non-congregate waivers in the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). With a network that includes over 200 food banks, and over 60,000 food pantries, she will be documenting and assessing the program’s implementation to build recommendations to USDA to streamline and strengthen these programs. Adin will also be creating resources for the Feeding America network to build a strong platform for future Child Nutrition Reauthorization and other related child nutrition legislation.
