The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) is a nonpartisan research and policy institute. CBPP pursues federal and state policies designed both to reduce poverty and inequality and to restore fiscal responsibility in equitable and effective ways. CBPP applies deep expertise in budget and tax issues and in programs and policies that help low-income people, in order to help inform debates and achieve better policy outcomes.
Amrit Mehra
Emerson Fellow
13th Class, 2006-2007
Elan Nissenboim
Emerson Fellow
7th Class, 2000-2001
Felix AuYeung
Emerson Fellow
8th Class, 2001-2002
Paige Clay
Emerson Fellow
28th Class, 2021-2022
Sara Beaber-Fujioka
Emerson Fellow
5th Class, 1998-1999
Sara Maillacheruvu
Emerson Fellow
27th Class, 2020-2021
William Rosales
Emerson Fellow
8th Class, 2001-2002