These three short pieces describe particular aspects of the Creating Homestead Agriculture for Nutrition and Gender Equity (CHANGE) project that are showing success or point to potentially effective innovations in nutrition-sensitive agriculture projects. They focus on individuals’ experiences rather than technical detail.
Stella Nordhagen
Stella, a native of Colorado, completed a PhD and MPhil at the University of Cambridge in Environmental Economics and Policy as a Gates Cambridge Scholar. Her PhD research, done in collaboration with Bioversity International and based on fieldwork in Ethiopia and Papua New Guinea, focused on the influence of climate … Read more
Field Placement: Helen Keller International, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Stella worked with Helen Keller International in Burkina Faso on an integrated nutrition-sensitive agriculture project aimed at ameliorating childhood malnutrition. This multi-pronged approach focuses on targeting root determinants of malnutrition across the … Read more