Magge headshot

Emerson Fellow

Rajiv Magge

10th Class, 2003-2004

Rajiv is a 2003 graduate of Dartmouth College where he was pre-med and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology Modified with Psychology. Rajiv has served as a Research Assistant in Psychological and Brain Sciences, Biological Sciences, and Physiology, and as an Executive Board Member and volunteer with VISIONS Worldwide, where he conducted workshops in group dynamics, social issues, and HIV/AIDS awareness with youth in Bangalore, India. While at Dartmouth, Rajiv served as the Chairperson of Students Fighting Hunger, a tutor with America Reads, a clinic manager with the Good Neighbor Health Clinic, and Chairperson of the Dartmouth Hindu Students Group.

Field placement: Ladder Up / Center for Economic Progress

Chicago, Illinois

Rajiv served as the National Community Liaison, working to link work support programs, such as Food Stamps and child health insurance, to free tax preparation services in Chicago and on a national level.  Rajiv analyzed the effectiveness of programs in other states already linking free tax preparation with work supports and researched model programs for add-on services at free tax preparation sites so that they can be duplicated by other organizations nationwide.

Policy placement: New America Foundation

Washington, D.C.

Rajiv helped to develop the international section of, a clearinghouse for asset building research and policies.  He also researched asset protection issues and worked with New America’s Universal Health Insurance Program.
