Food Policy Councils: Practice and Possibility

Food Policy Councils: Practice and Possibility reports on the role of Food Policy Councils in the Community Food Security movement, which build and support partnerships among anti-hunger, sustainable agriculture, nutrition, and private sector stakeholders to create hunger-free communities.

Become an Anti-Hunger Advocate

Become an Anti-Hunger Advocate offers a briefing on hunger in Washington and an advocacy training guide that a)presents readers with key facts on issues, programs and policies needed to understand hunger in Washington, and b) teaches key skills and strategies … Read more

Developing Leaders in a Community Group

Developing Leaders in a Community Group is a comprehensive guide to developing community leaders designed to assist community groups, including instructions on how to plan and run various trainings, useful forms, sample workshops on food stamps and citizen advocacy, and … Read more

Advocacy Retooled

Advocacy Retooled is an innovative anti-hunger and poverty advocacy toolkit targeted at community level anti-hunger leaders designed to communicate the importance of advocacy work in eradicating hunger and poverty, and to present a hands-on, engaging approach to advocacy.

Five Year Strategic Plan to Stamp out Hunger

Five Year Strategic Plan to Stamp out Hunger is a report for Florida’s Food Security Team, a coalition of state agencies that administer USDA nutrition programs and their community based partners, outlining the coalition’s progress in 2003 and providing recommendations … Read more

Advocating for Change

Advocating for Change is a step by step guide for food banks on how to form anti-hunger advocacy committees in their communities.  It contains detailed information about what is needed to successfully form an advocacy committee, useful tools to facilitate … Read more

Workers Rights Advocate Action Manual

Workers Rights Advocate Action Manual, designed for use by worker centers throughout the country, provides information on labor laws and detailed action guides for addressing a range of worker issues.