Green headshot

Emerson Fellow

Chloe Green

26th Class, 2019-2020

Chloe graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with degrees in dietetics and community & environmental sociology. During her time as a Badger, Chloe received a Wisconsin Idea Fellowship to study accessibility at farmers markets for underserved communities across the state. She was funded to continue her research through a pilot project centered around community outreach and incentive program redemption in North Milwaukee. In prior summers, Chloe returned home to intern with Community Services Unlimited, Inc. and SoLA Food Coop in South Los Angeles.

Field placement: L.A. Food Policy Council

Los Angeles, California

Chloe completed her field work in her hometown of Los Angeles, California, at the LA Food Policy Council (LAFPC), which works to ensure food is healthy, affordable, fair and sustainable for LA residents. Chloe was the lead the latest version of LAFPC’s Food System Dashboard, a report that encompasses over 200 data points about the LA Food System from farm to fork and beyond. She analyzed previously collected data and will compile new data into a final report and interactive website.

Policy placement: American Public Human Services Association

Washington, D.C.

At the American Public Human Services Association (APHSA), Chloe supports the food and nutrition services policy portfolio. By working directly with State SNAP Administrators through the American Association of SNAP Directors (AASD) affinity group, Chloe supports peer-sharing and learning environments, which have been vital to states during the COVID-19 response. In addition to hosting an online community and various regular calls between State SNAP Administrators and the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), Chloe regularly supports partner organizations and other advocates in understanding the perspective of states human services agencies during the pandemic response.
