Richardson headshot

Emerson Fellow

Michael Richardson

15th Class, 2008-2009

A native of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Michael graduated with Honors from Morehouse College in 2008 with a degree in psychology.  He is an Americorps alumnus who served as a Bonner Scholar and an executive coordinator for Jumpstart, taught math to youth in Belize, and coordinated youth programs on campus. Michael also volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, Hands on Atlanta, and the United Methodist Children’s Home.

Field placement: Hope House of New Orleans

New Orleans, Louisiana

Michael collected stories documenting the effects of high utility costs on low-income New Orleans residents and conducted workshops on energy conservation and political organizing around energy issues.  Michael also developed strategic partnerships to generate more sustainable sources for the Hope House food pantry and community garden.

Policy placement: RESULTS

Washington, D.C.

Michael worked to strengthen the participation of students, young adults, and communities of color in the work of RESULTS through the Youth in Action and Diversity Task Force boards. He also developed, designed and coordinated the diversity workshop and student plenaries for the RESULTS International Conference.
