Kim headshot

Emerson Fellow

Gina Kim

16th Class, 2009-2010

Field Placement: The Food Project (Boston, MA)

Gina conducted a comprehensive program evaluation of a city government-led initiative promoting SNAP benefit redemption at farmers markets, and identified strategies to improve access to healthy food in low- and mixed-income neighborhoods of Boston. She also worked with elementary school youth at The Food Project’s Urban Learning Farm.

Hunger Free Community Report:

Boston Bounty Bucks: Increasing Access to and Affordability of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for SNAP Participants is a program evaluation providing research and analysis of SNAP benefit redemption at 14 Boston farmers’ markets, and making recommendations for increasing the capacity of the Bounty Bucks program.

Policy Placement: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service (Alexandria, VA)

Gina assisted with implementation of the 2010 Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) Demonstration Projects, which examines innovative ways to increase food security among low-income children by improving access to nutrition assistance during the summer months.  Gina also provided technical assistance with child nutrition reauthorization and SFSP policy development.

Pre-Fellowship Education and Experience:

A native of Washington, Gina graduated from Western Washington University with a degree in sociology and political science.  She worked as a research assistant for the sociology department and the Border Policy Research Institute, and was active in service projects through Collegiate Kiwanis.  Gina also interned at the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, worked on community development projects in Kisumu, Kenya, and volunteered at several organic farms and community gardens.  Gina was named a Public Policy and International Affairs Fellow in 2007.
