Steiner headshot

Emerson Fellow

Eric Steiner

9th Class, 2002-2003

Eric graduated “With Distinction” from Purdue University in May, 2002, with a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education. He studied abroad for a semester in Poland, a summer in Honduras, and a semester in South Africa.  He served as Mortar Board President, was named Greek Man of the Year, and was the recipient of the G.A. Ross Award, given to the 2002 Purdue Outstanding SeniorMan.  Eric interned for the American Farm Bureau Federation in Washington, D.C. and he is licensed to teach agricultural science and business in Indiana high schools.

Field placement: Hunger Task Force

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Eric researched the utilization of the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and developed recommendations for its implementation in Milwaukee County. He worked closely with the three largest sponsors of SFSP food sites in Milwaukee, as well as the Greater Milwaukee Food Providers Coalition, SFSP Administrators, school officials, and SFSP participants to establish ways to reverse declining enrollments in the 100-plus Milwaukee-area SFSP food sites.

Policy placement: Population Action

Washington, D.C.

Eric researched the links between global population growth and stress on agricultural production and hunger prevention worldwide. He updated the 1995 Population Action International report, “Conserving Land: Population and Sustainable Food Production.”
