Policy Partner

Food Research & Action Center

Washington, D.C.


FRAC is the leading national nonprofit organization working to eradicate poverty-related hunger and undernutrition in the United States. They lead efforts to identify and communicate the connections among poverty, hunger, and obesity among low-income people; conduct research to document the extent of hunger, its impact, and effective solutions; seek stronger federal, state and local public policies that will reduce hunger, undernutrition, and obesity; monitor the implementation of laws and serve as a watchdog of programs; provide coordination, training, technical assistance, and support on nutrition and anti-poverty issues to a nationwide network of advocates, service providers, food banks, program administrators and participants, and policymakers; and conduct public information campaigns to help promote changes in attitude and policies.

Amuda headshot

Aisha Amuda
Emerson Fellow
17th Class, 2010-2011

Boyd headshot

Alex Boyd
Emerson Fellow
24th Class, 2017-2018

Goldberg headshot

Alison Goldberg
Emerson Fellow
3rd Class, 1996-1997

Noll headshot

Anne Marie Noll
Emerson Fellow
26th Class, 2019-2020

Williams headshot

Ayanna Williams
Emerson Fellow
15th Class, 2008-2009

Vuong headshot

Bi Vuong
Emerson Fellow
10th Class, 2003-2004

Powell headshot

Britney Powell
Zero Hunger Intern
3rd Class, 2020

Duffy headshot

Caroline Duffy
Emerson Fellow
7th Class, 2000-2001

Burke headshot

Daniel Burke
Emerson Fellow
16th Class, 2009-2010

Witherspoon headshot

Danielle Witherspoon
Emerson Fellow
8th Class, 2001-2002

Nans headshot

Deborah Nans
Zero Hunger Intern
5th Class, 2022

Jones headshot

Deondre’ Jones
Emerson Fellow
23rd Class, 2016-2017

Aloi headshot

Elizabeth Aloi
Emerson Fellow
8th Class, 2001-2002

Oquendo headshot

Elizabeth Oquendo
Emerson Fellow
14th Class, 2007-2008

Johnson headshot

Emily Johnson
Emerson Fellow
22nd Class, 2015-2016

Springston headshot

Emily Springston
Emerson Fellow
3rd Class, 1996-1997

Battle headshot

Ezell Battle
Emerson Fellow
2nd Class, 1995-1996

Carson headshot

Fatima Carson
Emerson Fellow
14th Class, 2007-2008

Donofrio headshot

Gemma Donofrio
Emerson Fellow
19th Class, 2012-2013

Kapp-Klote headshot

H Kapp-Klote
Emerson Fellow
20th Class, 2013-2014

Emple headshot

Hannah Emple
Emerson Fellow
17th Class, 2010-2011

Axford headshot

Heather Axford
Emerson Fellow
10th Class, 2003-2004

Marshall headshot

Imani Marshall
Emerson Fellow
23rd Class, 2016-2017

Ziegeweid headshot

James Ziegeweid
Emerson Fellow
31st Class, 2024-2025 and 5th Class, 2022

Schmitz headshot

Jane Schmitz
Emerson Fellow
4th Class, 1997-1998

Venci headshot

Julie Venci
Emerson Fellow
7th Class, 2000-2001

Weinstein-Tull headshot

Justin Weinstein-Tull
Emerson Fellow
9th Class, 2002-2003

Benjamin headshot

Kristina Benjamin
Zero Hunger Intern
2nd Class, 2019

perkins headshot

Lakeisha Perkins
Emerson Fellow
25th Class, 2018-2019

Bowman headshot

Larisa Bowman
Emerson Fellow
12th Class, 2005-2006

Harker headshot

Laura Harker
Emerson Fellow
19th Class, 2012-2013

Drumgold headshot

Lauren Drumgold
Emerson Fellow
29th Class, 2022-2023

Holden headshot

Lexie Holden
Emerson Fellow
27th Class, 2020-2021

Moore headshot

Lisa Moore
Emerson Fellow
1st Class, 1994-1995

Agénor headshot

Madina Agénor
Emerson Fellow
12th Class, 2005-2006

Islam headshot

Maria Islam
Emerson Fellow
30th Class, 2023-2024

Kennedy headshot

Mark Kennedy
Emerson Fellow
1st Class, 1994-1995

Buckley headshot

Meg Buckley
Emerson Fellow
24th Class, 2017-2018

Meisenheimer headshot

Melanie Meisenheimer
Emerson Fellow
21st Class, 2014-2015

Rubin headshot

Meredith Rubin
Emerson Fellow
7th Class, 2000-2001

Eltigani headshot

Methany Eltigani
Emerson Fellow
26th Class, 2019-2020

Chang headshot

Nancy Chang
Emerson Fellow
27th Class, 2020-2021

Garcia headshot

Nathan Garcia
Emerson Fellow
28th Class, 2021-2022

Battles headshot

Nick Battles
Emerson Fellow
29th Class, 2022-2023, and 4th Class, 2021

Maryns headshot

Nick Maryns
Emerson Fellow
13th Class, 2006-2007

Campbell headshot

Robert Campbell
Emerson Fellow
9th Class, 2002-2003

rodriguez headshot

Roxana Rodriguez
Emerson Fellow
25th Class, 2018-2019

Hamm headshot

Sabrina Hamm
Emerson Fellow
18th Class, 2011-2012

Maynard headshot

Shannon Maynard
Emerson Fellow
4th Class, 1997-1998

Mendler headshot

Shari Mendler
Emerson Fellow
6th Class, 1999-2000

Powers headshot

Shawn Powers
Emerson Fellow
11th Class, 2004-2005

Cama headshot

Shireen Cama
Emerson Fellow
11th Class, 2004-2005

Agarwal headshot

Shonul Agarwal
Emerson Fellow
6th Class, 1999-2000

Vijaykumar headshot

Srinidhi Vijaykumar
Emerson Fellow
13th Class, 2006-2007

Mancini headshot

Stefano Mancini
Emerson Fellow
30th Class, 2023-2024

Unoki headshot

Taylor Unoki
Emerson Fellow
29th Class, 2022-2023

Furstenberg-Carroll headshot

Thomas Furstenberg-Carroll
Emerson Fellow
18th Class, 2011-2012

Tran headshot

Tina Tran
Emerson Fellow
21st Class, 2014-2015

Conti headshot

Veronica Conti
Emerson Fellow
15th Class, 2008-2009