Food Lifeline (FL) is on a mission to end hunger in Western Washington. FL believes that access to food is a human right and that nobody deserves to be hungry. Food Lifeline provides nutritious food to hundreds of thousands of people facing hunger every year by sourcing nutritious food from a variety of food industry partners. FL distributes this food through a partnership with 300 food banks, shelters, and meal programs, enabling them to provide the equivalent of 134,000 meals every single day. At the same time they are working to end hunger for the future by addressing its root causes, including systemic inequity and social injustice. FL does this through advocacy efforts to shape local, state, and federal policy, by partnering with organizations that are addressing other causes of poverty, and through community engagement and mobilization efforts.

Nancy Chang
Emerson Fellow
27th Class, 2020-2021

Rebecca Van Maren
Emerson Fellow
17th Class, 2010-2011