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Field Reports

WFP Guatemala’s Monthly Food Price Bulletin

Luis Cabrera, Leland Fellow
Published 2013

Guatemala, Latin America

The monthly price bulletin is a document produced by each World Food Program (WFP) Country Office. It analyzes current trends on the prices of basic commodities, inflation rates, and fuel prices. The bulletin is used both within WFP and externally to report on food price trends (increases in the price of tortillas, unexpected food price inflation, non-seasonal price volatility, etc.) and the impact of price increases on the vulnerable population. All prices reported on the bulletin are also used to supplement the WFP World Food and Commodity Prices Data Store ( During my time as a Leland Fellow with WFP Guatemala, I collected and analyzed the data for the bulletin.

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Publication tags: Field Reports - Food Access - Families

Cabrera headshot

Luis Cabrera

Leland Fellow