Field Reports
How Much Does it Cost to Eat Healthy?
Jasmine Mickens,
Emerson Fellow
Published 2012
Washington, DC
How Much Does it Cost to Eat Healthy? analyzes the cost of healthy groceries in the District of Columbia’s grocery stores. The report includes quantitative analysis of USDA’s Thrifty Food Plan and local and federal policy recommendations.
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Publication tags: Field Reports - Advocacy and Education, Domestic Federal Nutrition Programs, Health, Nutrition and Hunger, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)/Food Stamps
Born in Newark, New Jersey, Jasmine graduated from Denison University with an interdisciplinary degree in communication, biology, and Spanish. During her undergraduate career at Denison University she served as a leader in her sorority and worked extensively on education, social justice, and community engagement issues. She has worked as a researcher at the University of Cape Town and Yale University focusing on health and community development issues in underrepresented communities. Jasmine was a NJSEEDS scholar, a Rosa Parks award recipient, and an ESL teaching assistant.
Read more about Jasmine Mickens