Hailing from Davis, California, Stefani is a 2010 graduate of Stanford University, where she studied health policy and health inequities in the human biology program. She was a leader in Stanford College Prep, a support program for first-generation college-bound high school students. She also coordinated Volunteers in Latin America, a student-run organization serving youth in Quito, Ecuador, interned with The San Francisco Foundation, and studied abroad in Spain.
Field placement: Logan Square Neighborhood Association
Chicago, Illinois
Stefani worked on Chicago's Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities partnership, which aims to reduce childhood obesity. Under the partnership she conducted research and interviews about healthier park district vending machine programs and on healthier menu options for mobile food vendors. She also coordinated a resource sharing and networking event for Chicago community gardeners who are growing food on park district property.
Policy placement: National Homelessness Law Center
Washington, D.C.
Stefani focused on the research, drafting, and editing of a report on the criminalization of homelessness in the United States. She also presented on legal barriers facing homeless youth at the Law Center’s National Forum on the Human Right to Housing, and helped update a fact sheet on foreclosure and homelessness.