National Family Farm Coalition (NFFC) was founded in 1986, at the height of the 1980s farm crisis, to be a voice for farmers in Washington, D.C. Today, they are the only national coalition representing grassroots farm, ranch, and fishing organizations in the nation’s capital. Through 30 member groups, NFFC represents 42 states.

Ariana de Leña
Emerson Fellow
18th Class, 2011-2012

Barrett Ebright
Emerson Fellow
11th Class, 2004-2005

Eric Hoffman
Emerson Fellow
15th Class, 2008-2009

Erika Inwald
Emerson Fellow
21st Class, 2014-2015

Jessica Luna
Emerson Fellow
17th Class, 2010-2011

Rachel Nagin
Emerson Fellow
19th Class, 2012-2013

Shana McDavis-Conway
Emerson Fellow
10th Class, 2003-2004

Tyler Mac Innis
Emerson Fellow
20th Class, 2013-2014