Leland Fellow Samantha Alvis Honored with AIARD Award


Samantha Alvis, current Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellow, has been selected as the 2015 recipient of Association for International Agriculture & Rural Development (AIARD) Young Professional Award. From AIARD’s website:

Samantha Alvis

Samantha Alvis

“The YPA was established in 1990 to recognize early career contributions to the achievement of the goals and objectives of the AIARD. The award’s selection criteria include the following: (1) demonstrated public service that has advanced the purposes of AIARD; (2) innovative contributions to AIARD programs; (3) commitment to international agriculture and rural development and to AIARD; and (4) the recipient must be 40 years of age or younger.”

Samantha has completed her field placement with iAGRI in Morogo, Tanzania, and is currently working at her policy placement with the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities International Programs Office in Washington, DC.

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