CHC, Sodexo convene inaugural Global Anti Hunger Corps Summit


Participants at the Global Anti-Hunger Corps Summit share and review action plans developed during a group exercise.

Last week the Congressional Hunger Center and Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation hosted a gathering of more than fifty anti-hunger advocates and leaders for the first Global Anti-Hunger Corps Summit in downtown Washington, D.C. The summit, featuring leaders from over two dozen different organizations and programs, brought together leaders in organizations that operate at the intersection of leadership development, youth development, and anti-hunger work.

The summit, facilitated by Nancy Murphy of CSR Communications, provided a hands-on opportunity for representatives of different anti-hunger organizations to discuss their own perspectives, learn from others, and consider areas for possible short- and long-term collaboration.

Congressional Hunger Center Executive Director Shannon Maynard had been intrigued by the concept of bringing together like-minded organizations with a similar focus. “To our knowledge, there’s never been a summit that has drawn together all the organizations that work on hunger and leadership development,” says Maynard. “We wanted to use our position as a neutral convener to bring together as many organizations as we could, to get us talking together and get a sense of all the organizations working in this space, so we could potentially identify some areas where we can work together.”

CHC Executive Director Shannon Maynard (standing) addresses summit participants

Also in attendance were partners from the corporate and philanthropic sectors. Shondra Jenkins from Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation was excited about the opportunities that the summit provided. “Our foundation believes in the power of partnerships—we partner with some of the nation’s top non-profit organizations working on the problem of child hunger in the United States, including many who attended this summit. We know that ending hunger is a problem too big for one organization to solve alone. That’s why we wanted to support this initiative: we believe the organizations represented here, when working together, have the capability to make a much greater impact than if we all work alone.”

Participating in the event were representatives from:

Reaching zero hunger by 2030 is a goal shared by many organizations, including the Congressional Hunger Center. If the nations of the world are going to achieve this goal, it will require an enormous mobilization of talent and political will, far beyond the ability of any one group or coalition to achieve on its own. By identifying opportunities for collaboration, it is our hope that all anti-hunger programs with a focus on leadership development can learn from one another, and together we can each help create a hunger free world.

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